6 Vegetarian Foods That Are a Great Source of Protein

Team HealthCult

Here's a quick list of vegetarian sources of protein. Watch out the video below:

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Signs of Nutrient Deficiency

Surbhi Bansal

Signs of nutrient deficiency. Our skin, eyes, hair and various body part tell us if we are having deficiency of certain nutrients. Catch these early signs to get back on healthy lifestyle

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Forget Kale and Broccoli, here's the List of Green Leafy Vegetables of India

Surbhi Bansal

India has over 40 varieties of green leafy vegetables. These vegetables are a good source of proteins, vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium and lots more. We all know mostly palak, methi, sarson, corinader and mint but you will be surprised to know the entire list of 40 such awesome veggies. They are used to make chutneys, raita, subzi, dals, flavoring agents, roti stuffing and for more various other interesting culinary applications. Know about them and make sure to try some of them



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Top Winter Foods That You Should Eat

Team HealthCult

Winters need special diet to help us stay warm, protect us from flu, nourish our skin and hair, strengthen our joints and boost our immunity. Rujuta Diwekar shares some awesome simple healthy foods that help you stay fit in winters.

  • Bajra: Keeps you warm and satiated for longer
  • Gond : Helps to strengthen bones, cures seasonal bloating and joint pain 
  • Green vegetables like sarson, green lasun, bathua etc. Help to build immunity, good for eyes and stomach
  • Kand and root vegetables: Like sweet potato, ratalu, kachalu, carrot and many more. A good source of anti-oxidants
  • Seasonal fruits like guava, grapes: A good source of seasonal micronutrients that protect from flu and infection
  • Til : For good skin, bones and strength
  • Peanuts: A good source of proteins
  • Ghee : Helps in better digestion, elimination and lubrication of joints
  • White Butter : Helps in lubrication of joints and ia a good good prebiotic source
  • Pulses : A good source of proteins and anti-oxidants
  • Amla : A very good source of vitamin c and anti-oxidants. Prevents Flu, cold and other seasonal infections.


Here is the detailed video by Rujuta Diwekar 

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Simple Self Care Secrets | Tips to Stay Energetic Throughout Day and Destress After Work

Team HealthCult

Simple self care secrets. Self care is important for well-being. Self care should always leave you with more energy and feelings of rejuvenation. Often, the activities that are described as self-care may leave you more depleted and with less energy. This video will show simple components of self care that will support your overall wellness and self care that can be followed daily 

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Healthy Heart For Life : Tips for a Healthy Heart - Food, Exercises and Lifestyle Changes for a Healthy Heart

Team HealthCult

A healthy heart ensures a happy and disease-free life

Know here :
➡️7 steps towards a healthy heart
➡️Foods for a healthy heart
➡️Exercises for a healthy heart


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Daily Checklist For Good Health as per Ayurveda

Team HealthCult

Daily Ayurveda checklist 


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How to Reduce Antinutrients in Foods

Team HealthCult

What are AntinutrientsAntinutrients are plant compounds that reduce the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients. They are not a major concern for most people, but may become a problem during periods of malnutrition, or among people who base their diets almost solely on grains and legumes 

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How To Boost Metabolism

Team HealthCult

 How to increase your metabolism


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Wrong Food Combinations- Foods That Should Not be Eaten Together

Team HealthCult

We might end up consuming some foods together, not knowing that they can be harmful to us if eaten together. This can lead to indigestion, food poisoning, bloating or other adverse effects. 

Know what these harmful food combinations are :  


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