How to fix 9 common sleep problems

Team HealthCult

A deep sleep is essential for perfect health and well-being. From being unable to fall asleep to frequent shoulder pain, we present here how to tackle 9 common sleep problems 




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Weight Loss: 5 High Protein Vegetarian Foods To Cut Belly Fat

Team HealthCult

Protein is one of the most important nutrients that our body needs to function. When you are trying to lose weight protein becomes an important nutrient. Protein helps to control hunger by keeping you full for longer. It helps to increase body metabolism.

Here are some vegetarian protein-rich foods that will help you manage weight that you can stock up on: 

 1. Tofu and Soy Products:

Tofu is made of soy milk, which is an excellent alternative to regular milk sourced from animals. You can cook tofu the way you cook paneer. Toss it in salads, use it as fillings in sandwiches, or have it as tikkas. 

2. Beans

Be it kidney beans, black beans or chickpeas, all are an excellent source of protein and essential amino acids. You can experiment with them in form of salads, sprouts and curries.

3. Legumes and Lentils

The range of dals that we Indians use in our desi preparations is worth a chronicle of its own. Legumes are a rich source of digestible fibre. Fibre takes long to break down, which keeps you full for longer and further prevents cravings. 

 4. Chia Seeds

An ounce (28 grams) serving of chia seeds contains about 4 grams of high-quality protein. Chia seeds are also a good source of fibre, which makes it an ideal superfood to cut that bulge. Add chia seeds to your yoghurt or fruit servings

5. Green Peas

Green peas or matar also make for an excellent plant-based source of protein. They are also high in various vitamins, antioxidants and minerals such as thiamine and manganese, which makes it a healthy addition to weight loss diet.

Try including these foods in your diet and see the effect on your waistline. Make sure you supplement your diet with a disciplined fitness regimen too. 

source and excerpt from NDTV

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Top 5 Reasons for Snacking Gajjak/Chikki - Health Benefits

Team HealthCult

Gajak/Chikki is a popular winter sweet made from sesame seeds(til) and jaggery(gur), both of which are extremely healthy for consumption during winters. 

Here are some health benefits gajak :

1. Til, jaggery and other healthy foods present in gajak keeps the body warm in winter and help to combat side-effects of winter and cold wave

2. Sesame seeds and jaggery are both great for digestion and ensure regular bowel movements due to fibrous content present in them

3. The presence of jaggery in gajak makes it a great energizer. Even sesame seeds are great for boosting energy levels, due to the presence of high levels of good fats in them. Eating a small piece of gajjak before or after your workout boosts energy levels

4. Sesame seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that are good for the skin, which tends to become dry and flaky during winters.

5. Calcium present in til and jaggery makes the muscles strong. Til and jaggery present in gajak is a good source of iron,it is helpful for anemic persons also. Combination of healthy til and jaggery is rich in minerals like potassium and magnesium keeps the liver healthy.

However make sure you eat small portions of gajak only once or twice a day as excess you anything is bad. So enjoy winters with a healthy dose of gajjak.


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.

Buy some awesome healthy chikki/gajjak with us 

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Essential Tips to Manage Diabetes - Food, Sleep and Exercise

Team HealthCult

Don't let diabetes shrink your borders. Diabetes doesn't have to define you; use it to refine yourself. 


Here are some simple tips to manage diabetes :

1. Take control of your plate : 

Separate your plate into three zones. First, divide it in half. Fill one side with veggies like spinach, broccoli, carrots, or green beans.

Next, split the empty side into two halves. Use one for starchy foods such as potatoes, brown rice, chappati, quinoa, or whole-grain bread/pasta. In the last section, add meat or another protein. On top of that, you can also have an 8-ounce glass of low-fat milk and a half-cup of fruit.

Set up a meal plan that's got plenty of low-fat foods that are high in fiber. A healthy diet is well-balanced and includes lean proteins from both animal or vegetarian sources, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Carbohydrates have the biggest effect on your blood sugar. So limit or avoid added sugars and refined flours. That can help keep your glucose controlled, and you can still have healthier carbs like beans and whole grains.

Eat about 25 to 35 grams of fiber each day to help keep your blood sugar levels steady. It can help you feel full longer, so you might not get hungry soon after eating. Eat fiber from natural foods like beans or whole grains rather than supplements.

2. Keep a Record of blood sugar-levels and diet

Every day, jot down important info like your blood sugar levels, what you ate, exercise you did, and medicine you took. It will help you and your doctor see if your diabetes treatment is working. Also write down your goals and feelings. It will let you stay on track and remind you about topics you want to ask your doctor about.
3. Make a Sick-Day Plan

Common illnesses like colds, flu, and diarrhea can raise your blood sugar. At the same time, your diabetes makes it harder to fight infections. So be prepared. Store snacks that are easy on the stomach but can still give you enough fluids and carbs. Check your blood sugar more often when you're sick. 

4. Manage Your Medicine Cabinet

If you take pills or injections, keep 3 days' worth of your meds and supplies on hand in case of an emergency. Since some of your diabetes drugs may affect other medications -- even ones you buy without a prescription -- tell your doctor before you try anything new. Make a list of everything you take, and bring it to your doctor and dentist appointments.

5. Fight Everyday Stress

Cut down on the tension in your life and your diabetes will thank you. Stress can raise your blood sugar and may lead you to make poor food choices, too.

Exercise is a great way to ease the strain. It raises the levels of chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. There are lots of ways to get active. Work out in the gym, join a sports team, or take dance lessons. The main thing is to keep moving!

6. Exercise in Short Sessions

You don't have to cram your physical activity into one big burst. Spread it out over the day.  Three 10-minute walks are as good as 30 minutes at once. Regular, moderate workouts will do a world of good. They help control your blood sugar, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and ease stress.

Exercise is just as important as drugs to help manage your diabetes.  When you move and rev up your heart rate, it’ll help you burn extra fat and lose weight.

Your routine should include:

  • Activity each day that gets your heart pumping, such as  brisk walking or swimming
  • Two to three sessions a week of strength training with stretch bands, free weights, or workout machines (on non-consecutive days)
  • Stretching or an activity like yoga every day to stay flexible

Regular exercise will build muscles, burn extra fat, and help your diabetes drugs work better.

Muscle is important. Having more lean muscle mass will improve how well your body processes blood sugar. Weight training for a total of 1 hour (or more) every week to help you build more muscle.

You can prevent muscle loss if you do strength training, like lifting weights or using resistance equipment. Studies suggest it also improves how your body uses insulin and sugar. And of course, it's a great way to lose weight, too.
7. Check Your Feet Every Night

Use a hand mirror or ask someone to help you look for cuts, swelling, or changes in color. Don't forget to look between your toes, too. If you see anything, call your doctor right away. And let him know if you get any corns or calluses, too.

Make caring for your feet part of your daily routine. Wash and moisturize them every day, and keep your toenails trimmed.

8. Break the Cigarette Habit

If you smoke, pick a date to quit. That gives you the chance to get ready for it. You might need help to beat the mental and physical parts of nicotine addiction. Stop-smoking programs, support groups, and wellness centers can offer professional help. 

9. Get enough sleep

Get more shut-eye, since it might help you keep your blood sugar levels in check. Poor sleep can also make you want to eat more during the day to boost your energy.

Seven to 8 hours of good-quality sleep may also help to reduce your blood sugars and cardiovascular [heart] risk by lowering some of the body's hormones.

Stress can make it hard to rest at night. That might affect your diabetes, too. If you're anxious from family problems or work, for example, your body might make too many stress hormones, like cortisol. That tells your body to store more blood sugar and fat. Stress can also cause your body to slow production of insulin. That’ll make it harder for your medicine to work well. Find ways to relax. Exercise is one way to ease tension and sleep better. You can also try relaxation techniques like meditation.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.

Article taken from:

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Benefits of Gur (Jaggery)

Team HealthCult

Jaggery (or gur) is made from unrefined sugar, and is obtained by boiling raw, concentrated sugar cane juice till it solidifies. Although jaggery is also made from the sap of coconut and date palm, the one made from sugar cane is the one that's used most widely.

Not only is gur better than white sugar--which only adds empty calories to your body--it also has a number of health benefits, including its ability to cleanse the body, aid in digestion and provide good amounts of minerals. 

Here are some health benefits that will make you want to adopt jaggery as your go-to sweetener for everyday purposes:

1. It prevents constipation by aiding digestion
2. It activates the digestive enzymes in our body, thus helps in proper digestion of food. That's why many people prefer eating jaggery after a meal
3. Jaggery acts as a detox, as it helps cleanse the liver by flushing out nasty toxins from the body
4. Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium, which help prevent free-radicals (responsible for early ageing)
5. It helps boost resistance against infections, hence building stronger immunity.
6. Eating a piece of jaggery daily can help women combat PMS symptoms including mood swings, menstrual cramps and abdominal pain.
7. Jaggery acts as a natural sweetener and provides energy over an extended period of time. Even factory-made honey has been deemed unhealthy because it gets ripped of its nutrients. That's when jaggery steps in!
It is, however, suggested to consume jaggery in moderation, as it is slightly higher in calories, containing up to 4 kcal/gram.

People who are diabetic or are following a weight loss diet should monitor their consumption of jaggery, as it can lead to weight gain and fluctuations in blood-sugar levels.

source :

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.

 Check out these amazing healthy food made of gur-

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Types of Millets and their benefits

Team HealthCult
Millets are gluten-free crops that have been used in India since ages. They can play a pivotal role in preventing and curing several health issues. Millets have  incredible nutrient rich composition. Enriched with the goodness of nature, millets are a rich source of fiber, minerals like magnesium, phosphorous, iron, calcium, zinc and potassium.

In fact, it is often advised to prepare millets in the form of porridge for growing kids and aging adults. What’s more, millets are loaded with high amount of starch and proteins, which can be beneficial, if added to the daily diet.’

Millets are not only healthy but at the same time they have a unique taste, which can accentuate the taste quotient of any meal. With various culinary innovations, millets like ragi, jowar and bajra are used to prepare several snacks and dishes like Ragi Idli, Millet Khichidi, Apple Ragi Halwa( healthy for toddlers), Ragi Cookies etc.

Buy some millet-based snacks and seeds-mix that are super-healthy



Here are types of millets and their benefits :

1. Jowar (Sorghum): Sorghum is commonly known as Jowar in India. Traditionally, jowar was used as a grain to make flat breads/ rotis. Enriched with the goodness of iron, protein and fibre, jowar can help in reducing cholesterol level as it has a component called policosanols (a part of sorghum wax). It is good for people who have wheat intolerance.

2. Ragi (Finger Millet): 
Ragi is used as a healthy substitute for rice and wheat. Ragi is undoubtedly a powerhouse of nutrition. Loaded with protein and amino acids, this gluten-free millet is good for brain development in growing kids.

3. Kakum/Kangni (Foxtail millet): Foxtail millet has healthy blood sugar balancing carbohydrates, and it is popularly available in the form of semolina and rice flour. The presence of iron and calcium in this millet helps in strengthening immunity.

4. Bajra (Pearl millet): Bajra is known for its umpteen health benefits. Bajra is packed with the goodness of iron,protein, fibre, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium; the daily consumption or inclusion of this millet can work wonders.

5. Sanwa(Barnyard millet) : This nutrient dense millet has high fiber content, which can effectively help in losing weight. It is a rich source of calicum and phosphorius, which helps in bone building and its daily caonsumption helps infighting bone diseases.

6. Chena(Proso/Broomcorn millet): This millet can effectively help in balancing blood sugar level. Its low glycemic index has made it a fad among weight watchers. In India is has been a commonly bird feed.

7. Moraiyo/ Kutki/ Shavan/ Sama(Little millet): Packed with the goodness of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc and potassium, little millets can provide essential nutrients, which further help in weight loss. It is a part of many traditional dishes in south India. What's more, more than anything its high fiber content makes it a healthy replacement for rice.

8. Rajgira/Ramdana/Chola (Amaranth): Amaranth has a great protein content. It helps with hair loss and greying. It lowers cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease. It's High In Calcium. Amaranth Is Full Of Antioxidants And Minerals.

9. Kuttu (Buckwheat): Whole-grain buckwheat can be very helpful in weight loss. It is Diabetic friendly Reduces Blood Pressure: and promotes good cardiovascular health. Buckwheat or Kuttu provides protection against breast cancer. It also provides protection against childhood asthma. Kuttu or buckwheat also prevents gallstones

10. Kodon (Kodu millet): Kodo millet is very easy to digest, it contains a high amount of lecithin and is excellent for strengthening the nervous system. Kodo
millets are rich in B vitamins, especially niacin, B6 and folic acid, as well as the minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Kodo millets contain no gluten and is good for people who are gluten intolerant.Regular consumption of kodo millet is very beneficial for postmenopausal women suffering from signs of cardiovascular disease,like high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Health Tips by Akshay Kumar

Team HealthCult

Staying healthy is not difficult. Watch out what Akshay Kumar asks to follow few basic things each day with consistency.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Boost your metabolism with these foods

Team HealthCult

Check out some foods that help to boost metabolism and also help you get fitter and leaner by helping to loose weight and unnecessary fat

* Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds is a superfood loaded with Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid. It also adds fibre to your meal and makes you feel full for longer. Plus, it increases your metabolism rate and makes sure that you don’t pile on unnecessary calories

* Berries: Eating berries can help you boost metabolism as well as regulate your blood sugar. They are also rich sources of antioxidants and fibre.

* Tofu: Along with other sources of protein, tofu can also boost metabolism. 

* Mushrooms: It is rich in Vitamin D. A deficiency of this vitamin can cause a slowdown of your metabolism. Get sufficient sunlight and then top it off with foods rich in vitamin A.

* Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is useful in increasing the amount of fat that you burn. It also enhances feelings of satiation.

* Green tea: The caffeine and catechins found in tea can boost your metabolism. Oolong and green tea are the best options, as they also increase your fat-burning ability.

* Whole grains: These are tougher to digest which keeps your metabolic rate higher. Opt for brown rice, oatmeal and quinoa over processed grains and flour.

* Avoid artificial sweeteners: Diet soda can mess with your body’s metabolic reaction to sugar and make you eat more.

* Nuts: Almonds and walnuts are loaded with monounsaturated fats which can make you feel satiated and less likely to overeat or snack later.

Here are some more ways to boost your metabolism:


credits for food sources:

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.


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Anti-Inflammatory Foods : 7 best foods to include in your diet

Team HealthCult

Many major diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, depression and Alzheimer's have been linked to chronic inflammation. One of the best ways to combat inflammation lies not in the pharmacy but in the food we eat.

healthy snacks healthy food

Here are 7 anti-inflammatory foods

1. Blueberries

2. Ginger


4.Green tea

5. Broccoli

6. Red peppers

7. Turmeric

 While here are some food items that trigger inflammation. Make sure you avoid/restrict these

1. Refined carbohydrates, such as bread and pastries
2. Fried food items like French fries
3. Sugar sweetened beverages like soda
4. Red meat and processed meat

source and credit : NDTV food

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.

About us : HealthCult is India's fastest growing healthy lifestyle platform. We deliver healthy snack food across India and bring the best content on health and fitness trends

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Foods that fire up weight loss!

Team HealthCult

Eat healthy, stay fit and healthy. Choose your food wisely


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HealthCult does not claim responsibility for this information.

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