Foods that Boost Energy - Healthy Foods to Eat for Energy, Power and Strength

Team HealthCult

Nutrition plays a key role in building a fit and healthy body. Healthy foods that give energy, strength and power are a must add to the daily diet. It is very essential to feel energetic throughout the day to be personally and professionally effective. Meal planning is often considered complicated, which otherwise is very simple if done with right knowledge. Today we share a list of healthy and natural food items that will make you feel energetic.

Make sure you stock up on these food items:

1. Almonds, 2. Banana, 3. Chia Seeds, 4. Ginger, 5. Kale, 6. Kiwi, 7.Quinoa, 8.Lemon, 9. Oranges

Foods That Gives Eneregy

 credits: pintrest(stepintomygreenworld)

Disclaimer : Tips and suggestions mentioned by HealthCult are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as a professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietician before starting any fitness program or making any changes to your diet 

Order these energy boosters right away and be the power!! 


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Healthy Food to Stay Fit - What to Eat for Fitness, Strength and Immunity

Team HealthCult

Fitness is 70% Right Nutrition and 30% Workout. Right nutrition and proper workout ensure that we stay healthy and fit.  We share today how by adding some easily available fruits and vegetables to your diet one can strengthen the immune system and stay fit

Healthy Food to Stay Fit

 credits :

Tips and suggestions mentioned by HealthCult are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as a professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietician before starting any fitness program or making any changes to your diet 


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Vegan Sources of Calcium

Team HealthCult

Calcium helps to build strong bones. Calcium also helps in proper functioning of nerves, muscles and heart. Here are some some vegan sources of calcium.

Vegan sources of calcium


Tips and suggestions mentioned by HealthCult are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as a professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietician before starting any fitness program or making any changes to your diet 



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Glycemic Index (GI) - What is Glycemic Index ? List of Low GI Foods and Glycemic Index of Food We Eat

Team HealthCult

The glycemic index or GI is a number from 0 to 100 assigned to a food, which represents the relative rise in the blood glucose level two hours after consuming that food.

The GI of a specific food depends primarily on the quantity and type of carbohydrate it contains; but also is affected by the amount of entrapment of the carbohydrate molecules within the food, the fat and protein content of the food, the amount of organic acids (or their salts), and whether it is cooked and if so how it is cooked. A food is considered to have a low GI if it is 55 or less; high GI if 70 or more; and mid-range GI if 56 to 69. Diet management according to GI is essential for fitness particularly for people suffering from diabetes or over age of 35.

 Here's a division of food as per the GI. This information on GI  would help you make wise and healthy choice of food 

Low GI (glycemic index) fruits


LOW GI (glycemic index) food

Some  Low GI snacks to stock-up on

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Nutrition, Diet and Fitness : How to Make Healthier Food Choices

Team HealthCult
The choices you make about what you eat and drink matter. They should add up to a balanced, nutritious diet. We all have different calorie needs based on our gender, age, and activity level. Health conditions can play a role too, including if you need to lose weight.

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Ginger Helps You Loose Weight and Control Blood Sugar

Team HealthCult

Ginger or adrak is a commonly found spice in Indian kitchen. This wonderful root has been used as a medicinal additive since ages. Here's a quick video on how you can use ginger to control blood sugar and manage weight


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Foods that Fire up Weight Loss

Team HealthCult

Managing weight is crucial for fitness and healthy lifestyle. Here ares some food items that can be included in daily diet for boosting weight loss -


Here are some healthy snack combos that boost fitness -

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Weight Loss and Fitness : Follow these 5 simple tips for fitness

Team HealthCult

Excess weight can lead to various health problems. Embrace fitness and stay happy with these easy to follow tips, very easy to follow indeed!  


Here are some healthy and protein-loaded snacks to choose from : 

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Manage Weight and Build Strength: These 3 Protein-Rich Evening Snacks Helps to Maintain Weight and Makes You Stronger

Team HealthCult

A simple change like replacing heavy and calorie-loaded evening snacks with healthy, fibrous and protein-rich ones can help you in achieving your weight loss and fitness goals. This change not only keeps you full for longer but also boosts your body metabolism and ensures that you don't indulge at dinner.


Here is a list of 3 protein-rich evening snacks that you can add to your routine:

1. Paneer-Bhurji : 
Prepared using crumbled bits of paneer (cottage cheese) and mild Indian spices, paneer bhurji is as an excellent protein-rich evening snack. Eating paneer bhurji in evening is sure to keep you satiated for a longer period of time, further keeping untimely hunger pangs at bay. 

 2. Millets Bhelpuri:

Replace the regular puffed rice bhelpuri with this healthy alternative and indulge guiltlessly. Being extremely low in calories, this bhelpuri recipe is prepared using jowar, bajra and quinoa, all of which are loaded with protein content. Squeeze in lime and black pepper to add a splash of extra taste. 

3. Almond, Walnuts and Roasted Seeds :
A mix of almonds, walnuts and roasted seeds are rich in fibre, proteins and essential nutrients.

 source of article : ndtv

Here are some healthy and protein-rich snacks that you can choose with us :


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Positive Health Affirmations

Team HealthCult

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