Most diets around the world lay a lot of emphasis on eating vegetables. Local, seasonal vegetables are also a good source of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for a healthy lifestyle.
Vegetables are full of fiber that help to ease your digestion, protect your heart and also aid weight loss. Fiber keeps you full for longer, since they take a while to digest and hence, prevent you from overeating. Local, seasonal vegetables are also a good source of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for a healthy lifestyle.

source and credit of article : ndtv food
Here's How You Can Sneak In More Veggies In Your Meals in Interesting Ways:
1. Raita : Raita is a cooling yogurt/curd-based dish. Instead of regular boondis, you can use delicious and refreshing vegetables like cucumber, pineapple or lauki in your raita and make it dense with nutrients
2. Vegetable Pulao : Piping hot pulao are a treat when paired with any curry. How about making it rich in fiber by adding to it goodness of fresh veggies? You can add carrots, peas, corns, zucchini, capsicum, corns, onion, cabbage and lots more..
3. Pasta : Add fresh veggies like cherry tomatoes, black olives, broccoli, corn, bell peppers and onions and give it a good twist
4. Soup : Soups are an ideal addition to any weight loss diet. You use whole veggies in soups, which is why you do not lose their essential fiber. Soups are high on water content that helps fill you up without toppling the calorie count.
5. Grilled Veggies : It is always a good idea to have grilled veggies for meals. You can have these veggies on the sides too. Go for a number of different veggies for wide range antioxidants.